A beautiful Fall evening on Green River Lake

Last Thursday we explored Green River Lake near home on Kendal and Linda Burress’ boat. Kendal and Linda are David’s clients, who had been asking us to go out with them on their boat for several months before we could finally arrange a time.

I first met Kendal and Linda at a client’s dinner at Colton’s. Linda was so warm, open and easy to talk to. Kendall enjoyed cracking jokes at the dinner table the whole time. Afterwards, I would see Linda regularly at the Mission Store and we would have a nice, easy time chatting with each other. Linda comes across as a happy and disarming person who loves being with her family, walking with friends as well as making artisanal jewelry. She enjoys sharing with us her cozy stories of growing up in the country with her parents and six brothers and sisters. She calls her childhood in the country “a good life” and her accounts of happy memories have helped convince me that is truly the case.

From the boat, Kendall and Linda pointed out to us where they went on their second date and where he proposed to her. David and Kendall took many photos of the gorgeous Fall scenery and the sunset. On the boat, Kendall enjoyed singing along with his classic country songs while driving. Jacob and James had a good time as Kendall joked around with them a lot and told them fun riddles. Linda said Kendall is very good with kids and that he is full of riddles.

One of my most memorable moments took place when we saw a bald eagle flying overhead. It was my first sighting of bald eagle ever, and how beautiful it was!

About David and Lam

A smitten couple and loving parents in our early 40s. We have lived in 3 different countries together. We dream of living in a fourth country together after our children grow up. We love long walks in the woods, climbing mountains, boating, traveling, reading, and being together. Both David and Lam are old souls who love quietness and meaningful conversations in which we ponder the truth and mysteries of life as well as discuss philosophical and ethical matters. We especially like to enjoy the small pleasures of daily life.
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1 Response to A beautiful Fall evening on Green River Lake

  1. Pingback: Our Fun Times Amidst the Sky, Water and Trees at Green River Lake State Park | The DeBrot Family

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